Lough Ennell is an important site for nature conservation in Westmeath and is designated a Special Area of Conservation, a Special Protection Area and a Ramsar Site. Lough Ennell is a haven for wildlife and the lake and fringing wetland habitats support a great biodiversity.
We would love to see you visit Lilliput, Lough Ennell on Saturday 1st February to celebrate World Wetlands Day with us, to raise awareness about the vital role of wetlands for people and our planet.
The walk and talk will be led by two local experts – George Smith (Botanist) and Gordon Wycherley (Birdwatch Westmeath).
Meeting point: Lilliput Car Park N91 W97W
Date: 1st February Saturday
Time: 11am -1pm approx.
The walk will take 2 hours depending on the weather and you should dress appropriately for conditions! Walk distances will be short and the walking will not be strenuous, but if feasible, we may venture off it and you should wear suitable waterproofs and footwear!