To celebrate World Wetlands Day On Sunday February 2nd, Lusk Tidy Towns and Birdwatch Ireland Fingal branch are hosting a walk and talk at Turvey nature reserve and wetlands with a chance to see some amazing birds and wildlife. They will have experts from Birdwatch Ireland and Lusk Biodiversity group to take people on a tour of the reserve and down to the bird hide at Rogerstown Estuary.
Rogerstown Estuary is internationally recognised as one of the most important east coast sites and is vital for wintering wildfowl and waders and birds on passage. Birds come to the estuary from the Arctic. It supports an internationally important population of Brent Geese and a further 14 species in numbers of national importance. Turvey Nature Reserve is one of Irelands most important wetlands with an abundance of wildlife and a chance to see the fastest animal in the world, The Peregrine Falcon which can reach speeds of 389 km/h. You may even get to see the elusive Great-spotted Woodpecker, Barn Owl and Long Eared Owls.
Free hot soup and refreshments will be provided thanks to the sponsorship from LAWPRO. Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO) works on behalf of Ireland’s 31 local authorities to protect and restore good water quality in our rivers, lakes, estuaries, ground and coastal water through catchment science and local community engagement.
This is a free event and all are welcome. It will be a great opportunity for kids to connect to nature.
Meeting at 14:00 next Sunday February 2nd at Turvey Nature Reserve car park. Bring binoculars if you have them. There will also be an opportunity for people to try out some wildlife photography with equipment provided by Film Equipment Hire Ireland.
Contact Lusk Tidy Towns for further information: tidytownslusk@gmail.com